Currency Exchange Rates
These are the exchange rates used by CAI for all maintenance
and repair currency conversions. The exchange rate for a
unit is set at its GATE IN date and held fixed through the
entire M&R cycle. For example, if a repair is approved today
for a unit redelivered to Antwerp in
August, the exchange rate would be 0.9245
Currency | Oct 24 | Sep 24 | Aug 24 | Jul 24 |
AUD | Australian Dollar | 1.4418 | 1.4784 | 1.5314 | 1.4952 |
ATS | Austrian Shilling | 12.3375 | 12.4407 | 12.7214 | 12.8411 |
BEF | Belgian Franc | 36.1688 | 36.4713 | 37.2942 | 37.6452 |
BRL | Brazilian Real | 5.4491 | 5.6105 | 5.6583 | 5.5934 |
GBP | British Pound | 0.7465 | 0.7616 | 0.7790 | 0.7904 |
CAD | Canadian Dollar | 1.3510 | 1.3498 | 1.3810 | 1.3695 |
CLP | Chilean Peso | 897.5100 | 913.9000 | 944.0300 | 955.1099 |
CNY | Chinese Renminbi/Yuan | 7.0176 | 7.0931 | 7.2191 | 7.2673 |
DKK | Danish Krone | 6.6839 | 6.7515 | 6.8992 | 6.9619 |
DEM | Deutsche Mark | 1.7536 | 1.7682 | 1.8081 | 1.8252 |
NLG | Dutch Guilder | 1.9758 | 1.9924 | 2.0373 | 2.0565 |
EUR | Euro | 0.8966 | 0.9041 | 0.9245 | 0.9332 |
FIM | Finnish Markka | 5.3309 | 5.3755 | 5.4968 | 5.5485 |
FRF | French Franc | 5.8813 | 5.9305 | 6.0644 | 6.1214 |
GRD | Greek Drachma | 305.5165 | 308.0721 | 315.0234 | 317.9879 |
HKD | Hong Kong Dollar | 7.7724 | 7.7983 | 7.8131 | 7.8091 |
INR | Indian Rupee | 83.7785 | 83.8857 | 83.6832 | 83.3677 |
IDR | Indonesian Rupiah | 15166.6263 | 15532.4000 | 16271.2512 | 16350.4500 |
IEP | Irish Pound | 0.7062 | 0.7121 | 0.7281 | 0.7350 |
ITL | Italian Lira | 1736.0597 | 1750.5817 | 1790.0816 | 1806.9272 |
JPY | Japanese Yen | 143.0985 | 146.2050 | 150.8224 | 160.8850 |
KRW | Korean Won | 1315.0987 | 1337.5700 | 1372.8375 | 1381.2800 |
MYR | Malaysian Ringgit | 4.1250 | 4.3205 | 4.6225 | 4.7175 |
NAD | Namibian Dollar | 17.1816 | 17.6396 | 18.2168 | 18.1710 |
TWD | New Taiwan Dollar | 31.7163 | 32.0110 | 32.7350 | 32.5195 |
NZD | New Zealand Dollar | 1.5692 | 1.6008 | 1.6807 | 1.6419 |
NOK | Norwegian Krone | 10.5274 | 10.6111 | 10.9239 | 10.6129 |
PHP | Philippine Peso | 56.1345 | 56.2400 | 58.3055 | 58.4100 |
PTE | Portuguese Escudo | 179.7522 | 181.2558 | 185.3456 | 187.0898 |
SGD | Singapore Dollar | 1.2830 | 1.3069 | 1.3381 | 1.3565 |
ZAR | South African Rand | 17.2139 | 17.8336 | 18.2259 | 18.1996 |
ESP | Spanish Peseta | 149.1817 | 150.4296 | 153.8239 | 155.2714 |
SEK | Swedish Krona | 10.1389 | 10.2709 | 10.7104 | 10.6010 |
CHF | Swiss Franc | 0.8444 | 0.8500 | 0.8806 | 0.9030 |
THB | Thai Baht | 32.3410 | 34.0194 | 35.5738 | 36.6864 |
USD | U. S. Dollar | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
AED | UAE Dirham | 3.6730 | 3.6729 | 3.6730 | 3.6730 |
UGA | Uganda Schilling | | | | |
Currencies updated the first of each month